The banners are 24” wide by 48” tall. Each individual banner will honor a specific Millville area service man or woman and will include his or her picture, branch of service and era of service. The Town of Millville will be covering the costs of the banner and mounting fixtures but will be seeking sponsorships to defray the costs involved.
Banners will be displayed on the light poles around Evans Park. The banners will be placed Memorial Day until approximately Veteran’s Day. Once the banners have ended their life cycle, they will be made available to the family or sponsor. Please note: There is no guarantee as to the life of the banner.
A dedication date for the banners is targeted for October 2023, but confirmation will be announced at a later date. The banners will then be displayed from May to November starting 2024.
Applications are available on a first come first served basis and can be downloaded below. The program will be limited to 60 banners. Applications will only be processed with a fully completed application and photo.
Mail applications to:
Town of Millville
36404 Club House Road Millville, DE 19967