About Robert Wisgirda
My wife, Betty and I purchased a home in Millville by the Sea in 2009 and became full-time residents in 2016. We were impressed with the low taxes, efficiently run town government and the extensive volunteerism. Immediately I became a Millville volunteer and active in the Citizens Emergency Response Team, having had over twenty years of experience in Massachusetts.
I am a graduate of Massachusetts College of Pharmacy with a B.S. in Pharmacy. Over the years I have attended Northeastern University, Boston university and Tufts earning certificates in continuing education, Hazmat, Emergency Management, Forensic Photography, and Integrative Medicine, specializing in Classical Homeopathy. I’ve participated in various research projects at these colleges.
Joining the Lions Club in 1968, I am currently on the Board of Directors for the Lord Baltimore Lions Club. Their focus is on eye research and is one of the main reasons why many people are able see today. Helen Keller “spoke” to the Lions Club in 1928.
Having community service in my blood, I volunteered for Brockton Emergency Management in the 1990’s and was a trainee, eventually a trainer for the Citizens Emergency Response Team for approximately 20 years.
I worked as a retail Pharmacist and manager of a family pharmacy, Brockton Pharmacy, then owned and operated Medicine Man Pharmacy, Medical Supply and One Hour Photo Labs from the 1960’s thru the 1990’s. During the 1990’s I worked at several mid-sized radio stations hosing and funding programs such as South Shore News & Views and A Deadly Silence bringing to light and studying the addiction crisis.
In 2010 I was elected to the Plymouth County Charter Study Commission, a purely volunteer organization. I had an opportunity to study the County form of government not only in Massachusetts, but in several East Coast states including Delaware. I learned that more local governments such as counties do not have to be fully dependent on taxpayer funding. An example is Barnstable County on Cape Cod that developed a lab for testing Lyme Disease as the medical profession debated whether it existed. It is now recognized nationally and internationally.
The challenge of Millville Town Council presented itself in 2021, and I prepared myself to return elections to the town which they had not had and election since 2007 due to no contenders. I feel the citizens should choose their representative and encourage all to participate.
For the past three election cycles in Delaware, I have worked for the Sussex County Elections Commission on election day. This past year I was proud to be a participant in getting our community building at Evans Park to be a polling place to make voting more accessible and convenient to Millville citizens. The bonus was that it helped pay for our parks’ expenses.
My focus is fiscal responsibility and transparency to our taxpayers and careful consideration of decisions which could have future consequences. I will continue to do research and work to make a living in Millville to be a positive experience and the reason we all choose to settle here. I encourage all to be active participants in this beautiful community.